Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top Vitamins for Hair Loss

Millions of people worldwide unfortunately have dealt with or are dealing with losing hair. The obvious point that people are missing is diet. People are simply not getting the necessary vitamins to create the optimal circumstances for hair growth. 


How a Poor Diet Works Against Hair Growth: 
The American diet is full of meats, sugar, breads, and processed foods. Beverages are often over sized and full of artificial colorings and dozens of grams of sugar. Bottom line your body does not know what to do with fake foods. 
In order for your body to function properly your body needs nutrients. By in taking food without significant nutritional value then you are doing your body a disservice. 
Your hair and nails are the last part of your body that will receive nutrients. Your main vital organs will receive the bulk of the nutrients that your body has to offer. That is why that if you are suffering from hair loss then you need more vitamin rich food.


By having enough vitamin rich food you are ensuring that your hair gets enough nutrients. 

Vitamins for Hair Loss:
· Biotin
· Vitamin C
· Vitamin B

Biotin is an awesome vitamin for hair loss. Biotin helps with the formation of hair. This vitamin produces keratin, which prevents hair loss and graying. You can get this component from a capsule form or in foods like carrots, almonds, or walnuts.

However, you want to ensure that you have a natural source of biotin if you choose to take the supplemental form. 

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is great for your immune system. The C vitamin also helps facilitate hair growth. This antioxidant helps to maintain healthy hair. Broccoli, oranges, kiwi all possesses substantial amounts of vitamins C.

Vitamin B

There are quite a few variations of the B vitamin. B3, B5, B6, and B12 all help with to prevent hair loss. B3 aids in scalp blood circulation. In cases where people are loosing hair a common factor is that many times they have poor blood circulation. You definitely want to reverse this problem by taking a Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B is common in plenty of common foods including milk, chicken, eggs, and organ meats. 

There are more vitamins that aid with hair growth. In some circumstances an increase in vitamin intake may not reverse the effects of hair loss. There may be another problem that you have. 
If you are on prescription drugs then that may be causing you to loose hair. Definitely check out the side effects of the drug that you are taking. If there are adverse side effects then you may want to look at a natural proven alternative. Consult your physician before you make changes.

Vitamins Are Beneficial, But Do We Really Need Them

As we all know, vitamins are important when it comes to correct functioning of the body. There are two ways to get these organic compounds: through foods and health supplements. The body cannot produce enough of them to keep it working properly. Vitamins are essential, but supplements alone are not enough. 


Nutrition is the key to maintaining great health. It is also a rule of accomplishing significant weight loss. Fruits, vegetables and meats all have nutrients, on the other hand, some of us do not eat enough of the daily amount, and that is where supplements come in.

There are 13 different vitamins that are known today: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K. There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. The water-soluble vitamins are the B vitamins and vitamin C. These vitamins must be replenished daily because the body does not produce them. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body: fat tissues and the liver. They do not need to be replenished daily. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E and K. 


The way they function: Each vitamin has its own unique function and specific purpose, sates The New York Times. They are responsible for the formation of cells, a healthy metabolism and a strong immune system. Vitamins A and C help keep the teeth and gums healthy while protecting mucus membranes and promote wound healing. Skin care is important and in order to have healthy skin, Vitamin E has to be in your beauty regimen. Vitamin E helps with the utilization of vitamin K and slows the body's aging process.
The B vitamin works together for adequate production of red blood cells as normal nerve function. Vitamin K prevents blood clotting while Vitamin D helps absorbs calcium for strong bones. All food groups are necessary for obtaining these nutrients.

Fruit and veggies contain these compounds, taking a supplement helps boost your daily value. Supplements should never take the place of a healthy diet. Eating healthy foods is very important in order for the body to keep going and block certain illness. Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of Vitamin C, and K, while Vitamin E can be found in nuts and oils. Olive oil is an example of healthy oils. 

Vitamins D and B vitamins are potent in oysters, fortified dairy and fish. Lean fish is tuna and salmon. Catfish is a fatty fish, although all fish contain mercury, it should be consumed occasionally such as once or twice a week. More of the B vitamin and vitamin A can be found in animal products such as eggs and red and white meat.

Only take the recommended daily amount. This is very important there is no real risk of overdosing on vitamins with foods; however, some fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A can be toxic when taken in large amounts. Vitamins need energy in order to absorb. Do not take them on an empty stomach; it is better to take them with a meal. If taken before eating it can cause nausea and fatigue, you will not reap the benefits from them. 
The fact is vitamins are essential for a healthy life. Remember not to substitute them for foods. Get the most benefits from nutrition by consuming both.

Monday, December 26, 2011

How to Reduce Shaving Friction

Most men shave.
Some do so with a razor and others with an electric razor but most men use some kind of hair shaving item.


Here are some helpful tips to reduce shaving friction:
Before shaving:
Gently scrub your face with a loofah or facial scrub lotion. This scrub helps remove dead skin, bring out ingrown hairs, and reduces razor burn rashes
Lighten Up: 
Let the shaver do the work. Shave with light, gentle strokes. Using too much pressure can cause redness, irritation, nicks and even damage to you shaver.
Trim First:
If you are going to shave an area with lots of hair, trim the hair down to a manageable length before shaving.


Direction of hair growth:
Shave in the direction of hair growth whenever possible. This prevents cutting the hair below your skin's surface and reduces skin irritation and friction. The University of Alabama, Birmingham cautions against making repeated strokes in the same area. Doing so increases skin irritation
Work clean:
Rinse your razor frequently during use to remove hair and skin flakes. Frequent rinsing will also prolong the life of your blade and prevent dullness. MayoClinic.com recommends rinsing your blade after every stroke to prevent ingrown hairs and shaving bumps
Blade Maintenance:
Dip the blade in rubbing alcohol after the final rinse. Blades last much longer than most people think. The apparent dulling of the blade is due to the formation of microscopic "teeth" on the edge, made up of mineral crystals from the water. These drag against the skin, causing the blade to grab and producing cuts and much of the razor burn. The alcohol will displace the water and the minerals in it, and evaporate without leaving residue. Store the razor with the blade edges upward.
After shaving:
Soothe your skin after shaving by applying a moisturizing ointment or baby oil. The Palo Alto Medical Foundation recommends aloe vera for sensitive skin and warns against using aftershave. MayoClinic.com states that cool compresses may also be beneficial.

Things We Didn't Use To Do

Once upon a time, all a man needed to do in order to be a man (in the sence of skin care) was: Brush his teeth, wash his face, shave in the morning. Those are all but a fond memorys.


In our day and age, good grooming and plenty of it is the order of the day for both sexes, proper skin care is essential for the present and the future. Skin is the body's first line of defense against sickness, germs, and diseases.
Additionally, as we age, our skin loses its elastic nature. Thus, we develop wrinkles and facial lines. For these reasons alone, proper skin care is important
Men should realize that proper skin care need not take copious amounts of time. A few minutes a day is all that is necessary.

So, men: what will you have to do in order to stay in style today?


First, figure out your skin type: normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin or combination skin (or ask the woman in your life),

Then, Exfoliate!

REAL men exfoliate,
Men would actually benefit more from exfoliating than women!
This is because it is already a known fact that men have thicker skin than women.
So exfoliation helps men reveal softer and even toned skin.
Remember: exfoliation wipes off all the dead skin on your face. Plus, if it's that good for our faces it can do the same for our body.

Shaving is always rough on your face, so do it right. If you use a blade, make sure that your face is coated with a thin stream of hot water before applying shaving cream. Give the cream a few minutes to settle in. Use a sharp razor that has a double blade attached to it. Take your time. Rinse with cold water, not hot. Applying after shave cream such as Afta works better than applying liquid. If you use an electric razor, apply pre-shave lotion to enable your whiskers to stand up and keeps your shaver gliding easily across your face. It will also lessen the irritation and burn that comes with electric shaving.

How a Panic Attack Feels like.

The panic attack itself is the main symptom of a Panic Anxiety Disorder (a type of emotional stress disorder) . Panic Anxiety Disorder is a medical condition characterized by severe and sudden episodes. 


It is essential to mention that sudden episodes that  occurs and are caused by another reasonable cause are not panic attacks. Two other reasons can be: 
  • Medical condition that mimics symptoms of panic attack
  • a life threatening situation

Immediately after the the attack. after eliminating these reasonable causes  and  finding them not be the cause of the problem, a Panic Disorder can be considered.
A Panic attack reachs maximum intensity within a minute or two once it begins. They die down slowly over the next half an hour or the next several hours. It is common for the first attack to cause a person to go to a hospital. Subsequent attacks occur several times a month and are often as severe as the initial attack.
keep in mind the following symptoms:

  • raging heartbeat
  • difficulty breathing, feeling as though you 'can't get enough air
  • hot flashes, or sudden chills
  • dizziness, lightheadedness or nausea
  • fearful that you're going to go crazy or are about to die
  • nervous,  shaking, stress
  • heart palpitation, feeling of dread
  • trembling, sweating, shaking
  • choking, chest pains, distress
  • fear, fright, afraid, anxious
  • terror that is almost paralyzing
  • A 'pins and needles' tingling in your fingers or toes

Women are more susceptible to Panic Disorders. Panic Anxiety Disorder begins most often in the third decade of life. It is less often in teenagers or persons in their forties. It is rare that it appears in the elderly for the first time.

Home Remedies for Anxiety

Take a look at how our nervous system handles anxiety:
Essentially, anxiety is part of the "fight or flight" mechanism, That warning system is still necessary for today's emergencies The trouble is, we experience the manifestations of the "fight or flight" mechanism even when it's not really appropriate to our modern day stressors.
Unfortunately, although they're not real, anxiety attacks are very dangerous since when you are having one, it is virtually impossible to convince you that everything is going to be O.K.


Here are some suggestions for home remedies (made with household ingredients) that can help:

Use baking soda. Add half a cup baking soda and third of a cup of ginger to a nice warm bath. Soak  for 15 minutes to relieve tension and anxiety

Drink Almonds. Soak 10 raw almonds overnight in water to soften, then peel off the skins. Put almonds in blender with 1 cup warm milk, a pinch of ginger, and a pinch of nutmeg. Drink at night to help you relax before going to bed

Orange juice. For a racing heart rate associated with anxiety, stir 1 teaspoon honey and a pinch of nutmeg into 1 cup orange juice and drink.


Relaxing Rosemary. Used in the Middle Ages to ward off "evil spirits," rosemary has a calming effect on the nerves. Make a tea by adding 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried herb to 1 cup boiling water; steep for 10 minutes, then drink. Inhaling rosemary can be relaxing, too. Burn a sprig, or use rosemary incense to ease anxiety.

And  Remember
Talk to a friend or a psychotherapist or a clergyman. Talking about it can relieve your anxiety.

Keep a list of foods and events that might trigger anxiety, you can eliminate some of it simply by knowing it.

Use exercise to relax. walking, cycling, or swimming are good seeing they are not competitive sports.

Breathe in and out, slowly, deeply. it is relaxing and it will help you.

How to make Alcohol at Home

Fundamentally making alcohol is simple. the yeast eats sugar and makes alcohol and CO2. All alcohol types starts out that way. 
In wine the grapes or other fruits natural sugars are eaten by yeast and alcohol and CO2 is made, beer's sugars derive from grain like barley, wheat, and others which, again, is eaten by yeast and converted to alcohol and CO2.


You can find more specific details the yeast can only eat so much sugar...too much to start with will harm it. Yeast can only survive so much alcohol...too much kills it.

Wine is simply grape (or other fruit) juice that has yeast added and it ferments. Fermentation is the term for the yeast eating the sugars. over time.
In the old days, the naturally occurring yeast in the air which would accumulate on the grape skins were enough to start the fermentation. The results were pretty random, sometimes it would be a good year, but in other times, not so good. today, winemakers destroy the wild yeasts and add their own so they get consistent and predictable uniform results.


Beer is similar to wine, however there's an extra step. It comes from grain, but grain doesn't have naturally occurring sugars in abundance. When grain (particularly barley and corn) begins to sprout, an enzyme develops. These enzymes convert starch to sugar. People learned to partially sprout and then halt the sprouting process to harness these enzymes, called "malting." The malted grain is then used to convert the starches into fermentable sugars. then yeast is added and fermentation process occurs.

Vodka and other spirits require one additional step. Distillation. Fermentation is the only way alcohol is MADE. Distillation doesn't make alcohol, it is simple a process that concentrates it. To make spirits, you have to first ferment a kind of alcoholic brew like beer or wine or similar (in distilling terms this is calld "wash"). Once the wash has been brewed, it is put into a still where the alcohol is concentrated. it boils into a vapor, the vapor is collected and condensed back into a liquid. that is how to make strong alcohol.

The brewing part hard work, whether you're making wine or beer. It is, however  perfectly legal to do it at home. You can either start from scratch or buy kits. Either way, you're allowed to make up to 100 gallons for every person of legal drinking age in your household, Maximum amount of 2 people. The same applies to wine and beer -100 gallons of each per person.
Distilling, (due to safety and tax reasons in the US) is illegal to do in the home and not legal to do it. it requires a permit. The exception to this is New Zealand, Greece, and a handful of other countries and nations.

Do a web search for home brewing supply stores in your area to get the supplies you will need and to talk to some one who has all the answers and will be very helpful for tips, recipes, and anything else you may want to know.