Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vitamins Are Beneficial, But Do We Really Need Them

As we all know, vitamins are important when it comes to correct functioning of the body. There are two ways to get these organic compounds: through foods and health supplements. The body cannot produce enough of them to keep it working properly. Vitamins are essential, but supplements alone are not enough. 


Nutrition is the key to maintaining great health. It is also a rule of accomplishing significant weight loss. Fruits, vegetables and meats all have nutrients, on the other hand, some of us do not eat enough of the daily amount, and that is where supplements come in.

There are 13 different vitamins that are known today: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C, D, E, and K. There are two types of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble. The water-soluble vitamins are the B vitamins and vitamin C. These vitamins must be replenished daily because the body does not produce them. Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body: fat tissues and the liver. They do not need to be replenished daily. Fat-soluble vitamins include A, D, E and K. 


The way they function: Each vitamin has its own unique function and specific purpose, sates The New York Times. They are responsible for the formation of cells, a healthy metabolism and a strong immune system. Vitamins A and C help keep the teeth and gums healthy while protecting mucus membranes and promote wound healing. Skin care is important and in order to have healthy skin, Vitamin E has to be in your beauty regimen. Vitamin E helps with the utilization of vitamin K and slows the body's aging process.
The B vitamin works together for adequate production of red blood cells as normal nerve function. Vitamin K prevents blood clotting while Vitamin D helps absorbs calcium for strong bones. All food groups are necessary for obtaining these nutrients.

Fruit and veggies contain these compounds, taking a supplement helps boost your daily value. Supplements should never take the place of a healthy diet. Eating healthy foods is very important in order for the body to keep going and block certain illness. Fruits and vegetables contain high amounts of Vitamin C, and K, while Vitamin E can be found in nuts and oils. Olive oil is an example of healthy oils. 

Vitamins D and B vitamins are potent in oysters, fortified dairy and fish. Lean fish is tuna and salmon. Catfish is a fatty fish, although all fish contain mercury, it should be consumed occasionally such as once or twice a week. More of the B vitamin and vitamin A can be found in animal products such as eggs and red and white meat.

Only take the recommended daily amount. This is very important there is no real risk of overdosing on vitamins with foods; however, some fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A can be toxic when taken in large amounts. Vitamins need energy in order to absorb. Do not take them on an empty stomach; it is better to take them with a meal. If taken before eating it can cause nausea and fatigue, you will not reap the benefits from them. 
The fact is vitamins are essential for a healthy life. Remember not to substitute them for foods. Get the most benefits from nutrition by consuming both.

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